An exciting opportunity to show case your photography and be rewarded with a large canvas print of your image, up to 1.2 meters wide. A fabulous way to decorate your house or a brilliant gift to a friend or "rellie".
Steve Mullarkey will evaluate our images in 4 different divisions:
Landscapes / Seascapes
Cityscapes / Architecture
Environmental Portraits / Street Photography
Balls Head
Steve will award the winner in each of the four divisions, one canvas print per division (digital or print, Steve's choice). The 4 prints will be presented to the winners on the night of our AGM.
You may submit a total of 2 digital and 2 prints, 1 in each division or all in the one division, your choice.
Digital images must be submitted by 7pm on Sunday 27 March, and prints must be on the stands by 7.15 on the "Open" night, 30 March. No exception to these rules will be made.
1_image title_your RSL number
e.g. 1_friend_12345.jpg e.g. 2_pal_12345.jpg e.g. 3_buddy_12345.jpg e.g. 4_mate_12345.jpg
The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 will tell us what division you wish to enter your image in!
Prints must be on the stands by 7.15pm prior to the meeting. Please label your prints, using the above naming convention. Please see our Image Specifications Page for submission details