The concept of the weekend is that it is a live-in function, fully catered for, where we invite accomplished photographers to join us and run workshops. We attempt to have a balance between the lectures and then follow with practical sessions in small groups where everyone can apply the principles taught.
This year we are very fortunate to have secured Bruce Baker and Steve Mullarkey as our presenters. Both will be with us for the full weekend, thus giving you lots of opportunities to share with them on a one-to-one basis, in addition to the group sessions. Both Bruce and Steve have judged/lectured to our club in the past and we can assure you of a very interesting time, as both have very different styles and a vast experience in amateur photography.
The areas that will be covered in the weekend will include:
Making your images stand out - from Raw to Wow!
Making your images stand out - at the time of capture
The "Rules of Composition" - make 'em or break 'em ?
Indoor "natural light"
Using a flash outdoors
In addition there will be many practical sessions following these. Some of your workshop output will be shown on the weekend, and there will be a follow-up normal club meeting when both Bruce and Steve will return to assess the weekend's work.
One special activity is that on Friday night we will have three judges each giving opinions on images that we will ask you to submit prior to the weekend. In previous Kincumbers this has been an interesting session as you see three different opinions on what works and what doesn't - we can assure you they won't always agree.
Due to the nature of the program we restrict attendance to members only - no partners/spouses/children. Please also note that it is a live-in weekend and no part-time participation. From 6:00pm Friday to 4:00pm Sunday.
The venue is 90 minutes from the northern beaches. If you need a lift, let the committee know, and we can arrange car pooling.