Ten years ago in August 2007 the Dee Why RSL Camera Club was founded. Some of those who made this happen are still active members of the club, while many who attended the very first meeting are still members. A great tribute to a great club.
In celebration of this milestone, our next meeting on 30 August will be our "birthday party". There will be some cake and some fun to be had, but we want all of you to contribute to the evening.
We would ask that you dig into your archives of photos relating to the time you have been in the club and select images which show our members - doing whatever!
We would ask that you submit them according to this formula:
If you have been in the club ...
less than 2 years: 2 digital images of members taken in those two years
between 2 and 5 years: 2 digital images taken in the past 2 years plus 3 more images taken between 2-5 years ago = 5 digital images in total
more than 5 years: 2 from the past two years plus 3 from 2-5 years ago plus 5 from the first five years of the club = 10 digital images in total.
For image specifications see here. The naming convention for this meeting is
YEAR = The year the photo was taken e.g. 2009
TITLE = Your chosen image title e.g. John Doe using a flashlight
NUMBER = Your RSL number e.g. 33298
In this case the image name would be:
The digital images should be sent by midnight, Sunday 27 August only to [email protected].
Only submit images containing club members!
If you have any prints which fit the definition, then up to 5 prints from any years are allowed for any member (on the stands by 7:20pm please).
Let's see our history!
All present and past Dee Why RSL Camera Club members are welcome to this event. We hope it will be a fun evening so please come along and join the action and laughter.