This year's ANZAC Day, Wednesday 25 April 2018, offers plenty of opportunities for avid photographers. Along the Northern Beaches, RSL clubs and Council have organised several events. In addition, our club is offering an outing to the ANZAC Day celebrations in the CBD.
You can showcase photos taken on the day at a presentation night on 6 June.
Please note: On ANZAC Day, there will be no presentation night at the Dee Why RSL.
ANZAC Day Activities Along the Northern Beaches
The club encourages you to participate in one of the many services along the Northern Beaches, for example:
Manly 4.25am | Manly War Memorial, The Corso: Dawn service A dawn service is held at Manly War Memorial, The Corso (located outside Manly Town Hall, opposite Manly Wharf)
5.30am | Manly Dam, King Street, Manly Vale: Dawn service Arrive by 5.15am for the 5:30am dawn service of remembrance hosted by Manly Warringah War Memorial Park, Remembrance Trust and Council. Note that there is limited parking in surrounding streets and no vehicle access for the public into Manly Dam via King Street. So please arrive early to allow time to walk to the venue. You may wish to carry a torch.
10.55am | Darley Road: Commemoration march followed by service The march will commence up Darley Road to the Manly War Memorial on The Corso (outside Manly Town Hall, opposite Manly Wharf) where from 11am a service will be held.
Collaroy 5.00pm | Collaroy Beach: Sunset service The service will take place on the sand in front the Collaroy Beach Club.
Collaroy Plateau 5.55am | Cenotaph on Veterans Parade (RSL Village): Dawn service The service is followed by a free community breakfast.
Dee Why 5.30am | Dee Why Beach, Ted Jackson Reserve: Dawn service The Dee Why RSL Club hosts a dawn service. Shuttle buses will be operating from Dee Why RSL to Dee Why Beach (Oaks Avenue) from 5am - 5.35am, returning from Dee Why Beach (Oaks Avenue) to Dee Why RSL from 6.20am - 7.15am.
Some tips if you attend a dawn service
Sunrise on ANZAC Day is at 6.24am. So unless there is artificial light (from street lights or fires), most of the dawn service will be held in darkness or twilight.
Crank up your ISO. To get the fastest possible shutter speed, you might even consider underexposing your photos by one or two stops and compensate for this in post-production.
If possible, use a lens with image stabilisation. A wide-angle lens is more tolerant to camera shake than a telephoto lens.
Bring a monopod, but no tripod, as this will be a tripping hazard in the darkness.
Try to reduce noise: Turn off the beep on your camera. Use Live View to avoid shutter noises caused by the mirror.
Do not use flash, and dim the brightness of your LCD screen to a minimum.
Be courteous and respectful. Do not disrupt the dignity and atmosphere of an event that is attended by many people who commemorate a lost relative or friend.
ANZAC Day Celebrations in the Sydney CBD
Sydney's ANZAC Day march gives participating veterans and the general public an opportunity to honour those who served in the defence of Australia or its interests, especially remembering those who paid the supreme sacrifice or otherwise suffered as a result of their service.
Before 9am | Streets around Martin Place Contingents participating in the march will assemble and line up in neighbouring streets. The Order of March will be WWII veterans followed by Navy/Army/Air Force (in conflict order), civilians in support of Australian Troops, descendants of Australian veterans, Commonwealth and allies. Find more details on the Order of March and map below.
9am | Elizabeth Street between Martin Place and Liverpool Street The ANZAC Day march begins at the intersection of Martin Place and Elizabeth Street. It travels down Elizabeth Street and finishes at the end of Hyde Park at Liverpool Street, where marchers will turn left for dispersal (unless directed to turn right or proceed straight ahead). Along the way, an Act of Remembrance will be observed as units pass the ANZAC Memorial in Elizabeth Street. At an eyes-left command, hats will be removed and the right hand held over the left breast until the unit is clear of the Memorial. Marchers' heads will be turned towards the Memorial when passing it. Banners and flags will be dipped. Defence Force formations are to salute the Memorial as they pass it.
12.30pm | Pool of Remembrance at the ANZAC War Memorial in Hyde Park South At the conclusion of the march, a commemoration service is held next to the Pool of Remembrance at the ANZAC War Memorial in Hyde Park South. This service has developed into an impressive dedication to ANZAC, usually attended by the Governor, NSW Premier, Leader of the Opposition, and others. This year support is to be provided by cadets from The Scots College and a choir accompanied by the NSW Police Concert Band.
Club Outing to the CBD
With spectators waving Australian flags, school children carrying banners, family members wearing medals, older veterans being pushed in wheelchairs, and proud returned service men and women marching, there are endless opportunities to take photos.
7.15am | Inside Manly Ferry Wharf We meet to catch the 7.30am ferry to Circular Quay (arrival 8.00am).
8.00am | Arrival at Circular Quay, Ferry Wharf 3
8.00am – 8.15am | Customs House, Circular Quay Those who did not take the ferry can catch up with the group in front of Customs House. We will then make our way along Philipp Street towards Martin Place.
8.30am | Bent Street corner Philipp Street We will meet the first units convening for the march. Our group splits into smaller groups. It is suggested to roam the streets around Martin Place as the contingents preparing for the march will present great photo opportunities.
9.00am – 12.30am | Elizabeth Street between Martin Place and Liverpool Street ANZAC Day march (see detailed description above)
10.30am – 11.00am | "The Garden Shed" at the Australian Museum (Optional) Those who feel like having a coffee and something to bite can reconvene for a short break and a chat. Walk down William Street past the entrance to the museum; the café is adjacent to the staff door.
12.30pm | Pool of Reflection at the ANZAC War Memorial in Hyde Park South Commemoration service
1.30pm | Café "Metro St. James" in Hyde Park North (behind St James station) Lunch. Please note that the café does not accept bookings, so it helps if the first club member to arrive picks a table. "Metro St. James" menus can be found at
3.00pm | Circular Quay, Ferry Wharf 3 We take the ferry back to Manly where we arrive at 3.30pm.
Check this page the day before the event to find out if the outing needs to be cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst: Photographing this march involves a lot of walking, a good deal of waiting and plenty of weaving your way through crowds, so don't overload with equipment.
Wear comfortable shoes. The distance that we will cover will be at least 6 km.
Bring a hat, sunscreen, water and some food (e.g. fruit, muesli bars etc.). We will have a late lunch.
Light conditions will be challenging: At the start of the march, the sun will be in the northeast, shortly before the march's end, it will shine straight into Elisabeth Street from the north. You will frequently have to deal with backlight. Consider bringing your flashlight or experimenting with different AE modes, e.g. spot-metering.
If you want to carry the camera plus only one lens, a zoom lens in the range of 70-200mm will be best as it provides versatility whilst walking around. A wide-angle zoom is handy if you can position yourself close to the action (which during the march is rather difficult).
Some of the best action happens on the sidewalk, not in the street. The crowds can provide some of the best photo opportunities. Be on the lookout for action that is not part of the march.
You can cross Elisabeth Street along the course of the march via a pedestrian crossing at Park Street and an underpass at Bathurst Street.
Below you will find
The Order of March, a timetable that outlines when the contingents will start the march at Martin Place.
The march map, which indicates where the assembly areas for the various units are located.