On 2 September 2020, we will be having a showcase where you can share what you have learned in the presentation night about Nik software on 19 August. The idea is that all members use the same images and apply filters from the Nik collection — and no other tools! — to them. As a result, we will see several versions of the same photo.
Let your imagination go wild!
Nik is a series of image editing software that can be installed as a plug-in on Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and other photo editing programs, but also used as a collection of stand-alone tools. While the most recent version costs US$ 149, the "2012" version (which received updates until 2017) is still available for free.
Below you can find download links for Nik Collection 2012, both for the PC and Mac. This is legal as this version is in the public domain.
Important: Left-click the link. You will enter the Dropbox file-sharing website from where you can download and install the software. Note that the files are quite large, so please be patient.
For the showcase, choose one of the following 8-bit TIFF photos to work with. To download your image, right-click the link and choose "Save link as...":
The sample photos have already got suitable dimensions, so do not resize your image. Only use Nik filters to manipulate the image. (You may use Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or any other tool to export the final result — after all Nik adjustments — as a JPG.)
On the showcase night, we may ask you to explain the steps you took to come up with your result. So please make some notes or perhaps even save your settings as a preset.
The following image specifications apply for this showcases:
Do not resize the image.
Only use Nik software to manipulate the image you have chosen. (You may use Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or any other tool to export the final result — after all Nik adjustments — as a JPG.)
Save the result of your experiment as a JPG file under the file name
NIK_[Name_of_chosen_sample_image]_[your_membership_number].jpg for instance NIK_Lisa-Marie_292020.jpg
The file size must not be larger than 1.5 MB.
Send this file attached to an e-mail to [email protected] by end of Sunday 30 August 2020.