On 24 July 2024 we will be having our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Apart from other business conducted at that meeting, one of the key activities is to elect your Committee for the next twelve months.
Our Constitution outlines various rules relating to the election of Committee members:
Nominations for the Committee (including positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and all other members of the Committee) must be submitted to the Secretary fifteen (15) days or more prior to the AGM. So the last date for nominations this year will be Tuesday, 9 July 2024.
Members can only be eligible for a position on the Committee if they have been a member of the Camera Club for the past twelve (12) months. Members who wish to stand for one of the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, will be required to have been a member of the Camera Club over the past twenty four (24) months.
Persons appointed on the Committee shall not be permitted to hold Committee positions (be part of any other Committee) at any other clubs where that club’s key focus is on photography art.
Some of the current Committee members will nominate for re-election, but it is always important to have new voices join the Committee. So should you be interested (and you fit the above rules), then please email the Secretary at the club's email address as soon as possible. If you do put your hand up to join the Committee, let her know what skills you think you bring to the Committee's work. Also please understand that all Committee members are expected to actively assist in the operation of the club; it's not just about attending committee meetings.
It's your club, and up to you to be an active part of it.
If there are any items you wish to formally place on the agenda of the AGM, please note that items for discussion, which require a vote by members under section (ix) of the Constitution, must be delivered to the Secretary fifteen (15) days or more prior to the AGM.
So the last date for items to reach the Secretary will be Tuesday, 9 July 2024.